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Production Lines

Going as far back as 2017, exhibitors have built and demonstrated actual production lines that highlight the latest innovations in processing and packaging technologies throughout the supply chain. These lines will continue bigger and better than ever at EATS 2025.

The production lines at EATS 2025 will demonstrate the production process from initial ingredient mixing through processing, packaging, inspection, and palletizing for various product applications. In creating these lines, participants show not only how food manufacturers can achieve even more efficient automation in their production, but also demonstrate the great versatility of all components and the wide variety of applications that this equipment can provide. These guided demonstrations will take place three times a day during the October 28-30, 2025, event at Chicago’s McCormick Place. 

Interested in participating in the production lines?

The EATS production lines offer exhibiting FPSA member companies unparalleled exposure by demonstrating actual food applications in real-time and in-person. The programming around the lines attracts over 90% of attendees to the area, ensuring your equipment is seen and resulting in 11x the leads!

Review the documents below for more information on participation and the required commitment to the lines. By submitting the brief online application, you will then be considered by the FPSA Councils for participation in the EATS 2025 Production Lines. Participant selection will begin in October 2024.

Apply for the Production Lines!

Are you a current FPSA member?

Which line would you like to participate in?

What components of the line can you provide? (Check all that apply) 


Sarah Hatcher

Senior Show Manager

Sarah Hatcher

Andy Drennan

Production Line Supervisor

Andy Drennan

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